Sunday Mornings

IMG 7438

We meet at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday mornings for sung worship, prayer, friendship and teaching. After the service, there is always plenty of time to chat over a cuppa and a biscuit.

Our regular Sunday services, which usually last an hour and a quarter, are led by members of the congregation and begin with a time of all-age worship and corporate prayer. After an all-age talk, the children leave for their own meeting in the back room where they enjoy all sorts of games, stories and age-appropriate activities. The adults, meanwhile, continue with worship, prayer and teaching. The children return at 11.35 a.m.

Our worship is contemporary in style and is led by a group of gifted musicians. As well as singing the more modern worship songs, we love to sing the good old hymns too.

Most of the preaching at Horndean Baptist Church is presented by Sam, our minister. Other church members and visiting preachers are invited to speak from time to time. Sometimes, in place of a sermon, we watch a video and follow it with a time of small-group discussion. For information about the topics we’ll be exploring in our services, please visit the Teaching Themes page.

Once a month, we share Communion during our Sunday service.

Come along, just as you are, and join us at Napier Hall in Horndean.

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