
Wednesday Toddlers Registration Form  

In order to keep our records up to date, we ask you to complete this form. These details will be kept securely and in accordance with GDPR regulations. If your details change at any time, please contact We will review our database each year, and you will receive an email asking if you would like your information to remain on our database. We will not share these details with any outside organisations. 

In accordance with our privacy policy, you have the right to see what details we hold for you and to request for your details to be removed at any time. 

Child's Name*
Date of Birth*

Add details for further children (optional)

Date of Birth

Parent/Carer's Name*

Mobile Number* 

Email address*

Relationship to child:* 

Details of any relevant allergies/ medical conditions - Child and Carers 

Next of Kin - Other Adult to be contacted in case of emergency
Email Address:*

Any other relevant information:


Please tick if you are happy for images of you / your child(ren) to be shared on our website, leaflets or facebook group:

 - Yes (Opt In) 
 - No (Opt Out)

 I agree to my data being stored and processed by Horndean Baptist Church in accordance with GDPR regulations.
Click here to see our PRIVACY NOTICE 


Planning your Visit