
Napier Hall Accessibility

Napier Hall consists of a ground floor only and has two meeting rooms. The main hall, which is used for Sunday Services and some mid-week events, is approximately 18 x 7 metres with a maximum capacity of 90 persons. The smaller rear hall is used for the children’s meeting on a Sunday morning and has a capacity of 30 persons. There is also a kitchen. Napier Hall has undergone improvement works in order to bring it into line with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.

Cars can be parked directly in front of Napier Hall. There is one designated accessible parking space. There is level access to the car park from the street.

Napier Hall has wheelchair access via permanent ramps to both the front and side doors. All doors open manually. The floor within the building is level throughout. There is an accessible toilet located toward the rear of the building, which includes a baby changing station. The toilet is unisex and is not for the sole use of disabled people. A key is not required. The door opens outward. There is a functional emergency alarm in the toilet, and disposal facilities are available in the toilet.

During Sunday services, seating takes the form of individual, movable chairs. The music and speaking are amplified via a public address system. There is currently no hearing loop. Songs, PowerPoints and Bible readings are projected in large writing on a screen at the front of the hall. The service can be joined by livestream on Zoom (please contact Sam for more information). Sermons are recorded on Zoom and are available to those unable to attend Sunday services.

Website Accessibility

Keyboard navigation
You can use the keyboard to navigate through the site:

  • The arrow keys on the keyboard will scroll up, down, left and right.
  • The Space bar if pressed can make the web page jump from top to bottom.
  • The tab button can help navigate to different links on the page and when you arrive on the required link you just press the enter button.

Text size
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  • PC users:
    • To increase the text size, hold down CTRL and press + to the required size.
    • To decrease the text size, hold down CTRL and press – to the required size.
  • Mac users
    • To increase the text size, hold down CMD and press + to the required size.
    • To decrease the text size, hold down CMD and press – to the required size.

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